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Full Stream Name: Computational Intelligence in Design: Games, Agents and 3D Printing

Principal Investigator: Risto Miikkulainen 


Let’s assume you have an access to a game platform, then how do you integrate trainable AI into it?


In this stream, you will learn about different aspects of video game technology and will get hands on experience in working with a real game engine. Once you learn designing your own game of any genre, e.g. arcade, strategy, etc., you will give your bots senses to collect information from the environment, which will eventually be used for a variety of decision-making tasks. Solving these complex tasks will require equipping your bots with artificial brains that evolve and adapt over time. Along this exciting journey, you will be exposed to cutting-edge AI research that may play a central role in the next generation of video games.

Click here to learn more about the stream.

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Computer Science