During the first semester in the program, students are required to perform rotations in the laboratories of at least three ILSGP-affiliated faculty. These rotations broaden laboratory experience and will help students find the research area and permanent laboratory that best suits them. Students are required to spend at least 20 hours per week working in their rotation lab.
Choosing a research advisor and a dissertation research project are some of the most significant decisions students will make in graduate school. Prior to selecting rotation supervisors, students are encouraged to:
- Attend seminars by faculty members.
- Read publications by faculty members.
- Meet individually with faculty members.
- Consult with other graduate students.
- Consult with the Graduate Advisor
2024 Laboratory Rotation Schedule
June 3 - August 9, 2024 // Early Summer Rotation
August 12 – September 20, 2024 // First Rotation
September 23 – November 1, 2024 // Second Rotation
November 4 – December 13, 2024 // Third Rotation
Refer to the BCH Graduate Program Handbook for additional details about lab rotations and joining a permanent lab.
Core Courses
The Fall core courses are:
- BCH 395J Genes, Genomes, and Gene Expression
- MOL 290C Introduction to Biostatistics & Computational Analysis
- MOL 190C Responsible Conduct of Research
In Spring of thier first year, Biochemistry students must take at least one of the following courses:
- BIO 395G Graduate Biochemistry
- BCH 394 Structure and Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
In addition, students are required to take one of the following courses in the spring of their first-year:
- BCH 394P Bioinformatics
- BIO 395H Cell Biology
- BIO 395F Genetics
- BIO 395M Advanced Microbiology
If a student earns less than a B (3.0) in any of the core courses, they need to retake the course. If it is necessary to repeat a core course, it must be taken at the very next opportunity that the course is offered. The core courses may not be taken more than twice. Note that the Graduate School requires a cumulative GPA of 3.00 to remain in good standing. Failure to pass a core course that is being re-taken for the second time and/or failure to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher will result in a probationary status or dismissal from the program.
Questions about course selection may be directed to the BCH Program Graduate Advisor, Dr. Daniel Dickinson.
Please see the BCH Graduate Program Handbook for additional details about courses and registration.
Required Student Training
The University of Texas requires safety training for laboratory employees, which includes all Cell and Molecular Biology graduate students. CMB students are required to be in compliance with these safety classes prior to beginning their first lab rotation. The required safety courses offered by the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) are:
- OH 101 Hazard Communication
- OH 102 Hazard Communication (Site-Specific)
- OH 201 Laboratory Safety
- OH 202 Hazardous Waste Management
- FF 205 Fire Extinguisher Use
These trainings are offered online in a self-paced asynchronous format. Students may register for and complete the above courses online via UT Learn.
The Fire Prevention Services Office sponsors the Fire Extinguisher Use course, with more information at
Animal Use Training, and Radiological Health are available on-campus classes and are typically offered at the start of every fall semester.
In addition, all academic graduate student employees must complete the following University-wide trainings:
- Title IX Basics
- Sexual Misconduct Prevention
- Information Security Awareness
- Compliance & Ethics Program at UT Austin
Additional Required Courses
BIO 391 Grant Writing and Presentation Skills
In preparation for the Qualifying Exam, second-year students are required to take BIO 391 Grant Writing & Presentation Skills. BIO 391 is a writing-intensive course for second-year graduate student in the fall semester that involves writing of an NIH-style grant proposal on their own research, presentation of the proposal to the class, and practice in identifying specific aims in research areas outside their primary area. The class is taken by students in the Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Cell and Molecular Biology Programs.
BCH _97C Advanced Study and Research in Biochemistry
Students must enroll in research credit hours every semester through admission to candidacy. A student may enroll in BCH 397C (3 credits), 697C (6 credits), or 997C (9 credits), dependent upon the number of other credits they are registered for in each term.
Required Elective
Students to complete one additional elective course related to Biochemistry that will be selected in consultation with the student’s PI. Elective courses must be three credit hours and related to biochemistry. Please consult the current course schedule for a list of available electives.
Qualifying Exam
In order to proceed with the Qualifying Exam, graduate students must:
- Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
- Have completed all core courses with a grade of B or above
- Be assigned to a permanent laboratory
- International students must be ITA certified as eligible for employment “with student contact”
Below is a summary, please review the BCH Graduate Program Handbook for complete information about the Qualifying Exam.
The Qualifying Examination is a critical step within the doctoral degree program and is required for admission to candidacy. Students will be expected to prepare a written research proposal and a short presentation, and defend the proposal orally before a committee of three faculty. The examination is designed to test whether the student is ready to plan and carry out independent research. The exam will also test the breadth of the student's preparation beyond the focus of the dissertation research. It is scheduled typically at the beginning of the fourth long semester of study, so that students will have completed their core courses, and spent considerable time in a research laboratory. The examination will concentrate on the experiments and background aspects of the proposed research, but may also test general knowledge in all areas of biochemistry.
The Qualifying Exam consists of a single written proposal and oral exam on the topic of the the student's laboratory research. The written component of the exam will consist of a proposal following the NIH guidelines for a pre- doctoral fellowship, but with an added appendix of relevant figures and preliminary data. In writing the proposal, students are expected to consult with your advisor, but the work must be entirely their own. For example, students are not allowed to copy sections of the faculty advisor’s research grant proposals. In addition, students must propose at least one set of experiments that have NOT been suggested to by the faculty advisor. Students will be expected to have a thorough understanding of their proposed research, both broadly and specifically.
Exams will typically be scheduled during the spring semester between early February and early March.
Each student is required to submit an abstract and title for the proposed research at least five weeks before the qualifying exam date. The abstract should concisely state the problem, and briefly describe the approach that will be used in the research plan. The most relevant references should be included (typically one or two references), as well as a general description of the methods to be used. Each abstract typically fits on one page.
Written Proposal
After submitting the abstract, students will have four weeks to complete the written research proposal (the written proposal is due one week prior to the exam). This document involves a detailed description of the background and logic behind the proposition, and the experiments proposed to address it. The proposal should address the following questions: (a) What does the student intend to do? (b) Why is this important? (c) What has already been done? (d) How is the student going to approach the problem? Proposals are usually hypothesis driven, with experiments designed to test the proposed hypothesis.
The written proposal must include the following:
- Cover Page
- Abstract
- Specific Aims
- Background and Significance
- Experimental Design and Methods
- Literature Cited
- Appendix
- Biographical Sketch
Examination Format
To conduct the exam, the student will make an oral presentation and defense before a committee of faculty on the assigned date. Students should prepare a twenty-minute talk. The examination committee will generally focus on questions pertaining to the proposal, but questions may also lead to discussion of related topics. The faculty supervisor is invited to the oral defense, but is not a member of the examination committee, and is asked to observe only. Following the exam, the examination committee will discuss the student's performance and their decision with the student, as well as any recommendations or conditions made. The examination committee will record the outcome and its evaluation on the Qualifying Examination Results form, provided by the Graduate Program Coordinator.
Exam Outcomes
- Unconditional pass.
- Conditional pass. The committee may ask the student to re-write a portion of the proposal, or satisfy another other condition in order to pass the exam. Establishing conditions is up to the discretion of the committee.
- No pass. (Re-examination at at later date). This outcome indicates that the proposal and/or defense are inadequate. Any student receiving this outcome will need to substantially re-write the proposal and re-take the examination.
- Fail.
Once a student successfully passes the Qualifying Exam, they must apply for and be admitted to candidacy with the university.
Students are expected to be admitted to candidacy by the end of the second year, after completing course requirements and the Qualifying Exam. There may be a small number of students who are not able to complete their Qualifying Exam with the rest of their cohort. If this situation applies students may delay reaching candidacy until the third year with the approval of the Graduate Advisor. Students must reach candidacy by the end of the third year (sixth long semester). Failure to meet this benchmark will result in loss of good standing in the program. Any exceptions require approval of the Graduate Advisor, and must be communicated to the Graduate Program Administrator and Graduate Coordinator.
Requirements for Admission to Candidacy:
- Complete the 4 core courses with a grade of B or above.
- Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Successful completion of the Qualifying Exam
- Submission and final approval of a Candidacy Application.
Dissertation Committee
Before submitting a Candidacy Application, students will need to form their official dissertation committee. The committee will have three primary responsibilities:
- General supervision of your research
- To monitor your degree progress
- To certify that an acceptable dissertation is submitted when you complete your degree
Students should consult with their PI and Graduate Advisor to form a suitable permanent Dissertation Committee. Students should explicitly confirm with proposed committee members that they agree to serve on the Dissertation Committee before submitting the Candidacy Application. Any changes in committee membership must be made prior to application for candidacy.
Please review the BCH Graduate Program Handbook for complete guidelines for dissertation committees and admission to Candidacy.
Annual Meetings
Once a student has been admitted to candidacy, they are required to meet annually with their Dissertation Committee to review their progress. The first annual meeting with the Dissertation Committee should be held within the next long semester (typically by the end of the fall semester) following admission to candidacy. Subsequent annual meetings should be held in the fall semester of each academic year; however, committee meetings may also take place in the spring semesters, at the discretion of the committee.
Students are responsible for coordinating a meeting date and time with faculty. Once a date for the committee meeting has been agreed upon students must email the Graduate Program Staff the date the meeting has been scheduled for. Students who have not conducted or scheduled their meeting by March 31st each year will have a registration bar placed on their account. They will not be able to register for Summer or Fall classes until they have scheduled their committee meeting and conveyed this to the Graduate Program Staff.
Following the annual meeting, the Acting Committee Chair will complete an evaluation form, with input from all the committee members, including the PI. This form will be endorsed by the committee and must be returned to the Graduate Program Staff. The signed form and written recommendations will be included in the student’s record.
If a student has not completed the dissertation within three years of admission to candidacy, the results of the annual review will be presented with recommendations to the Biochemistry GSC Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will then decide what actions may be required to address your progress.
Although the supervising professor (PI) provides day-to-day guidance, all members of the committee are expected to be available for consultation and students should feel free to ask for advice from them or any faculty member.
Please review the BCH Graduate Program Handbook for complete information about Annual Committee Meetings.
Teaching Requirement
The BCH Graduate Program requires that all students must be appointed as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for at least one semester by no later than their fourth year. Students will be required to complete this before graduation, but not before admission to candidacy. This is to allow increased flexibility in scheduling without compromising the standard timetable for advancement to candidacy.
Please review the BCH Graduate Program Handbook for additional information about Teaching Assistantships and academic employment for graduate students.
ITA English-Language Certification for International Students
UT Austin conducts English-Language Certification for TAs whose first language is not English. The Biochemistry Graduate Program requires this certification of all international students, regardless of whether they serve as teaching assistants. All international students admitted to the Biochemistry graduate program are anticipated to unconditionally pass the Oral English Proficiency Assessment and be “certified with student contact.” Students must be certified to be employed “with student contact” before being admitted to candidacy. Under certain circumstances, international students may be exempt from the requirement to complete the ITA English-Language Certification exam.
Additional information can be found at via Texas Global. ILS will sponsor the registration cost for ITA English-Language Certification. Students should consult the Graduate Coordinator prior to registration for the exam.