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Ernst-Ludwig Florin

Associate Professor
Department of Physics

Experimentalist; biophysics; cell physics; nonlinear dynamics


Phone: 512-471-6441

Office Location
PMA 14.322

Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712

Ph.D., Technical University, Munich, Germany (1995)

Research Interests

Experimentalist; biophysics; cell physics; nonlinear dynamics

Bartsch, T.F., R.A. Longoria, E.-L. Florin, and G.T. Shubeita, 2013, Lipid droplets purified from Drosophila embryos as an endogenous handle for precise motor transport measurements, Biophysical Journal, in press.

Beer, A., S. Strain, R. Hernandez, E. Ben-Jacob, and E.-L. Florin, 2013, Periodic reversals in Paenibacillus dendritiformis swarming, Journal of Bacteriology, 195: 2709-2717.

Demergis, V. and E.-L. Florin, 2012, Ultra-strong optical binding of metallic nanoparticles, Nano Letters, 12, 5756-5760.

Kochanczyk, M.D., T.F. Bartsch, K.M. Taute, and E.-L. Florin, 2012, Power Spectral Density Integration Analysis and its application to large bandwidth, high precision position measurements, SPIE, 8458, DOI:10.1117/12.929349.

Demergis, V. and E.-L. Florin, 2011, High precision and continuous optical transport using a standing wave optical line trap, Optics Express, 19 (21): 20833-48.

Huang, R., I. Chavez, K.M. Taute, B. Lukic, S. Jeney, M.G. Raizen, and E.-L. Florin, 2011, Direct observation of the full transition from ballistic to diffusive Brownian motion in a liquid, Nature Physics, 7, 576–580.

Be’er, A., E.-L. Florin, C. Fisher, H.L. Swinney, S.M. Payne, 2011, Surviving bacterial sibling rivalry: Inducible and reversible phenotypic switching in Paenibacillus dendritiformis, mBio, 2(3):e00069-11. DOI:10.1128/mBio.00069-11.

Zhang, H.P., A. Be’er, E.-L. Florin, and H.L. Swinney, 2010, Collective motion and density fluctuations in bacterial colonies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 107 (31): 13626-13630.

  • Nanoscience Prize (2003)
  • Summa Cum Laude, Technical University Munich (1995)