Annual Committee Meetings
Below is a summary, please review your graduate program handbook for complete information about the Annual Committee Meetings.
Once a student has been admitted to candidacy, they are required to meet annually with their Dissertation Committee to review their progress.
- The first annual meeting with the Dissertation Committee should be held within the next long semester (typically by the end of the fall semester) following admission to candidacy. Subsequent annual meetings should be held in the fall semester of each academic year; however, committee meetings may also take place in the spring semesters, at the discretion of the committee.
- Students are responsible for coordinating a meeting date and time with faculty. Once a date for the committee meeting has been agreed upon students must email the Graduate Program Staff the date the meeting has been scheduled for.
- Students who have not conducted or scheduled their meeting by March 31st each year will have a registration bar placed on their account. They will not be able to register for Summer or Fall classes until they have scheduled their committee meeting and conveyed this to the Graduate Program Staff.
- No more than 48 hours prior to the meeting the student should initiate the Annual Committee Meeting Form. Following the annual meeting, the Acting Committee Chair will complete this evaluation form, with input from all the committee members, including the PI. This form will be endorsed by the committee and must be returned to the Graduate Program Staff. The signed form and written recommendations will be included in the student’s record.
- Doctoral candidacy has an initial two year period that requires annual extension once that time has passed. The results of the annual review are used to determine if a student's candidacy will be extended. Students whose candidacy has expired will not be approved for extension if they are past due on completing their annual committee requirement until they have completed the requirement.
- If a student has not completed their dissertation within three years of admission to candidacy, the results of the annual review will be presented with recommendations to the student's program GSC. The GSC will then decide what actions may be required to address degree progress. (CMB Students who have not yet graduated after five years in the program must meet with their committees twice per year, with the first such meeting in the required for the fall of their sixth year.)
Although the supervising professor provides day-to-day guidance, all members of the committee are expected to be available for consultation and students should feel free to ask for advice from them or any faculty member.