Lab Rotations and Permanent Laboratories

Information and due dates for completing your lab rotations and joining a permanent laboratory.

Lab Rotations

Choosing a research advisor and a dissertation research project are some of the most significant decisions you will make in graduate school. To help students make as informed of a decision as they can about this, students are required to perform rotations in the laboratories of three ILSGP-affiliated faculty during the course of the Fall semester. These rotations broaden laboratory experience and will help students find the research area and permanent laboratory that best suits them.

  • Three (3) rotations in the Fall semester.
  • Each rotation is approximately 5-6 weeks long. 
  • ILS Students may do first-semester research rotations with any faculty member on the Cell and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or Microbiology Graduate Studies Committees.
Setting up your lab rotations

Rotations are arranged through mutual agreement between the student and the faculty member (Principal Investigator or ‘PI’) of the lab in which the rotation is arranged. This decision is formalized by the submission of a Laboratory Rotation Agreement Form, which is signed by both the student and PI.

Completed rotation agreement forms are typically due to ILS Admin one week prior to the start date of the rotation period. (Please see the Laboratory Rotation Schedule below for the current year's exact dates)

To help make an informed decision about your lab rotations:

  • Attend the Lab Showcase during Orientation & the ILS annual retreat. 
  • Attend seminars by faculty members
  • Meet individually with faculty members
  • Consult with other graduate students
  • Consult your program's Graduate Advisor

Students should start contacting PIs to ensure a rotation placement well in advance of the start of each rotation period. Students should discuss potential funding with PIs when a rotation is being negotiated. It is crucial that students understand how they will be funded should they pursue their Ph.D. in that lab. 

While in a rotation

Students are required to spend at least 20 hours per week working in their rotation lab. At the end of each rotation, the faculty member completes a rotation evaluation of the student’s performance. These evaluations are shared with the Graduate Advisor and determine whether the student will receive credit for research hours. 

  • Changes to an assigned rotation may be made only with permission of the Graduate Advisor.
    •  It is not an option to remain in a laboratory for longer than the designated rotation period, nor are students permitted to begin a rotation later than the mandated start date, unless approved by the Graduate Advisor. 
  • Failure to participate in or to complete the required lab rotations may result in termination from the program. 
  • If issues arise during a rotation period, the student should consult with the Graduate Advisor.

Permanent Laboratories

After a PI agrees to accept a student into a permanent laboratory, a Permanent Laboratory Agreement Form is required to document this. The Permanent Lab Agreement form is typically due within a week of the end of their final rotation. (Please see the Laboratory Rotation Schedule below for the current year's exact dates)

It is program policy that first-year students may not be appointed as a Teaching Assistant (TA), therefore, PIs are expected to support their first-year CMB student as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) in the spring and summer. 

Co-PI Rule

It is possible to have two faculty members listed as supervisors (co-PIs). A student may designate one as primary supervisor or may have them listed equally as co-supervisors, in which case they will have equal responsibility for the student’s progress. 

However, if a supervisor is not a member of your program's GSC, that faculty member cannot be a primary supervisor. They can be a co-supervisor or a secondary supervisor only. Students should inform the Graduate Advisor and Graduate Program Staff if they plan to have a co-PI. 

Changing Labs

If, for any reason, a student desires to end their association with their current permanent laboratory, they may change to another laboratory. Any change must be discussed with and approved by the Graduate Advisor and GSC Chair. We strongly encourage students to contact their Graduate Advisor before notifying the PI of their decision to leave their lab to determine the best course of action. 

Please see your program's Graduate Student Handbook for more details on this process. 

Fall 2024 Laboratory Rotation Schedule

  • Early Summer Rotation: June 3 - August 9, 2024 
    • Lab Rotation form due: May 24,2024
  • First Rotation: August 12 – September 20, 2024
    • Lab Rotation form due: August 5, 2024
  • Second Rotation: September 23 – November 1, 2024
    • Lab Rotation form due: September 16, 2024
  • Third Rotation: November 4 – December 13, 2024
    • Lab Rotation form due: October 28, 2024
  • Permanent Lab agreements Due: December 16th, 2024