In September, 2011 GSAF staff presented a three-section training on using the GSAF at UT to get NGS projects done. The full presentation can be found here. In outline, we presented:
What the GSAF does - from helping with experimental design through QC and library prep and into data analysis, see what the GSAF does day-to-day.
Application examples:
- Finding variants using "short-read" NGS platforms (Life Technologies SOLiD and Illumina HiSeq)
- Analyzing transcriptomes for gene expression and gene variants using short-read NGS platforms and
- de novo sequencing using both 454 and Illumina data
we will:- describe starting material requirements
- discuss a schematic of the prep method
- plot prep time, run time, and costs, and
- show a typical bioinformatic analysis pipeline (command names, what data looks like, etc.)
Training and links for our new Galaxy Workflow & Sample Submission system: a "How to work with the GSAF"
- Discussing projects & experimental design
- Getting a quote/checking the queue via Galaxy
- Submitting your samples
- Getting your results
- Analyzing your data on the GSAF server and at TACC
- Getting help
More helpful videos can be found here:
Prezi presentation #1 on a comparison of sequencing strategies (October 2011)
Prezi presentation #2 on the Utility of DNA Sequence (October 2011)